#oow15: We are not winning on cyber battles but we are not losing the war either , says Ellison
In an era where data is generated in large amounts and huge data amounts are currently being transfered to the…
In an era where data is generated in large amounts and huge data amounts are currently being transfered to the cloud, cloud providers should be best positioned to offer secure environment for their customers and ensure that the customers data is not interrupted in anyway.
This was said by Larry Ellison, Executive Chairman ad CTO of Oracle, during his keynote at the 2015 Oracle OpenWorld.
Pointing out examples like where the US Government breach exposed over 20 million personnel records, including security background checks and finger prints, Mr. Ellison said such breaches called for development of a next generation of security because most companies in the security space are not winning the cyber battles.
“We need better security and need to create next generation security because we are losing a lot to cyber battles. We are not losing the war but we have already lost many cyber battles, ” said Larry.
Mr. Ellison took the same platform to introduce a new range of security products from Oracle, which include a Sparc M7 processors memory protection dubbed as Sillicon Secured memory which he termed as the most advanced security platform , with an always on memory intrusion protection and wide key encryption.
“Despite providing encryption on data, security features need to always be on. There should never be an option on of on or off on security platforms, they always need to be on,” said Larry.
With the SSM, color code keys are assigned to individual pprocesses anytime there is request for memory allocation and anytime there is a request to read the data back there is a matching a key and any time there is an attempt to read data or write data wiith incorrect color code the attempt is discontinued.
“The M7 SSM would have detected and stopped Venom and Heartbleed attacks in real because when the hacker attempted to read data beyond its allotted buffer limits SSM would have stopped the access and generated a signal. Silicon secured memory is always looking for Heartbleed- or Venom-type violations. And you can’t turn it off, ” said Larry.
Silicon-secured memory is currently exclusive to the Sparc platform.
Another security product announced was the company’s preconfigured, “engineered” systems called the Oracle Private Cloud Machine for PaaS and IaaS.
The box, he said, provides exactly the same hardware and software stack that Oracle runs in its own cloud, making it easier for customers to move workloads back and forth.
He also announced that Enterprise Manager, Oracle’s management tools for all its products, is now available as a cloud service.
Oracle will also offer key management solutions which will ensure data is encrypted without even Oracle or its partners accessing it.
Mr. Ellison thanked the Oracle engineers for the great innovations and the work they were doing saying that it has been a long time coming while the engineering efforts have been ongoing for the last decade. He said that his team of engineers were very close to finishing a full-fledged cloud platform.