Who Will Be The #JasiriLegends?
The Legends Jasiri Edition is a revolutionary platform conceptualised and implemented by the UK Kenya Tech Hub in conjunction with…

The Legends Jasiri Edition is a revolutionary platform conceptualised and implemented by the UK Kenya Tech Hub in conjunction with CIO East Africa. It’s intent; to showcase 10 tech entrepreneurs aka gems in Kenya. These are not just any ordinary techpreneurs. They must not only be in business, their tech solutions need to have impacted their communities, solving big problems that plague us.
#JasiriLegends, a hashtag you need to start looking out for on our social media platforms, is designed to expose these techpreneurs to possible new markets as they share their journey and projected destination all while inspiring the next generation of techpreneurs. It will showcase how strategically tech ecosystem is fashioned, one brick at a time and in response to societal problems.
The selection of the 10 #Jasirilegends involved an in-depth process based on the following tenets;
– Business must be legally registered in Kenya
– Product or service is actively being used in the market
– Product or service has an impact and is therefore solving a problem
– The business has the potential to scale
– The business model is easily understood
A total of close to 100 start-up techpreneurs applied for the project. The top 10 were gleaned from this crowd that following a thorough evaluation of their stories, the tools, and tech used to run these businesses. They will, naturally, also share their truths as entrepreneurs.
The successful 10 will engage with the execution team from CIO East Africa through interviews starring the founders and or the co-founders to share stories, tools, and technology they use to run their businesses. They’ll also share only the truth about their lives as tech entrepreneurs, all in a bid to inspire and awaken the next-gen of techprenuers.
The #JasiriLegends journey will be shared across CIO East Africa and UK KE Tech Hub social media platforms including YouTube, FB, Twitter, IG, and LinkedIn. You can also follow the #Jasiri legends pages on social media as seen below.