Soliton, Fortinet and MondoRide sponsors the forthcoming CIO100 Symposium and Awards
Soliton, Fortinet and MondoRide leap in to sponsor the forthcoming CIO100 Symposium and Awards, an annual event that began in…
Soliton, Fortinet and MondoRide leap in to sponsor the forthcoming CIO100 Symposium and Awards, an annual event that began in 2010 as the three companies come in to meet the rich invitees of the event.
Soliton Telmec Limited is a telecommunications technology company established in 2005, after evolving from Soliton Systems.The company builds and supports both the basic and complex infrastructure required to enable electronic communications across the nation which includes data centres across the East Africa.
Fortinet provides top-rated network and content security, as well as secure access products that share intelligence and work together to form a cooperative fabric. Fortinet’s high-performance network security platform has solutions for the core (internal segmentation), the edge (next-generation firewall), and access (secure access). The network operating system is flexible enough for deployments of all sizes and environments, from carriers to small businesses.
Mondo Ride is a multinational online transport network company founded in UAE, based in Dubai that began its operations in Nairobi, Kenya in mid January 2016. The firm operates the Mondo ride mobile app which allows consumers with their smartphones to request for transport which is then routed to Mondo Ride drivers. Mondo Ride also features an option of ordering a motorcycle taxi popularly known as boda boda.
Security is also an important entity to CIO East Africa- one of the key talking points for the forthcoming event, a statement the CEO echoed recently at the Africa Security Summit, “We continue to thank all those of you who keep supporting us by attending our events. The reason why we hold these events is to broaden your knowledge on Security. Let you experience latest innovation as well as expand your connections,” said Laura Chite CEO CIO East Africa at Africa.
Information and Security have been moving hand in hand as ransomware attacks have risen by over 250% in 2017 according to a report by the security firm Kaspersky. The company stated that ransomware attackers have portrayed a clear trend of having targeted ransomware attacks against businesses as they are potentially more profitable than mass attacks against private users.
“A successful ransomware attack against a company can easily stop its business processes for hours or even days, making owners of affected companies more likely to pay the ransom,” Kaspersky stated.