How To Share Your Internet With Another Line On Safaricom

Technology grows in a way you sometimes cannot fathom. However, you have to be careful to notice when your life gets a little bit more convenient and it is always because of technology. An update here and a new feature there makes everything easier.
Leading Kenyan Telco, Safaricom, has been introducing new features and updates to how it provides services to its customers.
Though it didn’t make a big announcement about it, Safaricom has introduced a way of sharing your internet (bandwidth) with another line without necessarily being in proximity. Literally, you can allow someone to use the bundles you have purchased on your line.
Here is how you can share your bandwidth with another line.
- Launch my Safaricom app
- Navigate into the Data bundles calls and SMS airtime
- Select data sharing
- Add a beneficiary.
You can add up to a maximum of six numbers to your line as the beneficiaries, afterwards designate how much data each number should access from your data balance, the sharing range varies from 10MBs up to 1024MBs.
This data is not sent to the recipient instead they will just receive an SMS alerting them that they can consume the allotted data bundles from your line allowing them to access the internet.
As the beneficiaries continue to consume the data, the remaining balance is tracked, Once exhausted you can add some other new beneficiaries.
This move is a big a very big improvement as you can now share data bundles with your loved ones such as family, friends and even other contacts
Notably, you cannot share Tunukiwa, bonus, promotional or daily data bundles.
As a beneficiary how will i access the data