#WBGOpenDay: Kenya’s Ministry of ICT calls for integration amongst WB funded agencies
Dr. Katherine Getao, ICT Secretary, Ministry of ICT, called for various Government sectors that are World Bank project implementing agencies…

Dr. Katherine Getao, ICT Secretary, Ministry of ICT, called for various Government sectors that are World Bank project implementing agencies in Kenya to integrate some processes so as to work together seamlessly in developing the country.
Dr. Getao made the announcement during the World Bank Open Day, which was held at the Nairobi Club along Ngong Rd. Dr. Getao was addressing a question by Delano Kiilu,GM, SimbaNET, who was concerned about the government not installing fiber installation ducts during the building of roads intern leading to 22 fiber cuts a day in Kenya.
“In terms of the smart roads and sustainability, I’d say there is something important for the whole sector; roads, energy, water and sewerage. We need to integrate our planning so that we lay down our infrastructure at the same time,” Dr. Getao said.
“I would like to mention, we have been talking to other Counties, and this has been done partly through World Bank support. We have been telling them that they can do integrated planning right now so that they can avoid the same mistakes that were made in Nairobi where the fibers were cutting the roads and vice versa ,” she added.
Dr. Gitau went on to suggest that the above mentioned sectors should come together so as to enable integrated: planning, implementation and maintenance something which will also see the different sectors save money.
The World Bank Open Day is an event that presents opportunities for the Kenyan public to interact with Project Implementation Units’ teams who are present to showcase results, share challenges, receive feedback, and also provide updates on progress on implementation.
Besides, senior World Bank staff including the Country Director, Country Program Coordinator, Program Leaders, Country Economists, the Human Resources Staff, and Project Team Leads interacted with the public.
Agencies that participated at the event include: Kenya Agricultural Productivity And Agribusiness Project (KAPAP), Ministry Of Devolution & Planning, Open Institute, Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), Ministry Of East African Community ( EAC), National Safety Net Programme (Nsnp), Groots Kenya, 2 Youth Projects including the newly approved, Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Program, KMP (MIN OF TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE), The ICT Authority, KCDP, KHSSP ( Ministry Of Health), Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project, East Africa Public Health Laboratory Networking Project, National Transport And Safety Authority, Kenha, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Kenya Airports Authority, Kenya Power, Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Rural Electrification, Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited ( Ketraco), Ministry Of Energy & Petroleum, Kenya National Bureau Of Statistics, Water Services Trust Fund, Athi Water Services Board, Lake Victoria North Water Service Board, WASREB. The World Bank units also have booths for knowledge resources, HR Department, WB Management, and Blog4Dev winners and finalists.