UoN opens registration process for Nairobi Innovation Week exhibitors
C4DLab has officially opened the registration process for exhibitors for University of Nairobi‘s annual technology exhibition event Nairobi Innovation Week….

C4DLab has officially opened the registration process for exhibitors for University of Nairobi‘s annual technology exhibition event Nairobi Innovation Week.
The call for exhibitors, with deadline on May 31 this year, is inviting innovators, entrepreneurs, and innovation researchers to submit applications for exhibition of technology products, prototypes and processes in various fields including ICT, agriculture, engineering, among others, on its website.
“There will be a fee for exhibitors as follows: staff, students or start-ups of UoN, no fee; whereas exhibitors from outside the University of Nairobi will pay Sh65,000 per booth,” reads part of the page on charges for exhibitors.
Themed “Partnerships for Innovations that truly Impact People and Societies”, the technology exhibition week is set to run from Friday August 1 to 5 of this year and will take the form of bootcamps, workshops, keynote presentations, panel discussions, fireside chats, exhibitions, pitches as well as the graduation of startups incubated at C4DLab.
“The objectives of the Innovation Week, in a snapshot, are to form a platform for exhibiting and recognizing innovation by researchers, techpreneurs, and industry; to offer an avenue for presentation of innovation papers, illustrations, and case studies (in the form of proceedings, and journals); lastly, to champion discussions on innovation,” explains the website.
“All in all, the Nairobi Innovation Week is expected to achieve, among other aims, special engagement with policy makers on the growth and support of innovation ecosystem in Kenya, creation of useful linkages, launch of important journals, as well as increase of innovator, university and partner visibility.”
The following will be eligible to participate:
Government ministries and state corporations, academia, entrepreneurs with innovations or seeking to introduce innovation in their businesses, corporate companies wanting to showcase latest innovations or looking to introduce new innovations that would increase productivity and profitability, innovators from national and regional institutions such as universities, research institutions, (TVET) Institutions, students with innovations or interested in learning more about innovation, community members who have or interested in innovative ideas and investors, venture capitalists, international organizations and development partners.