Predicting when, where, what farmers are growing via IOT
The agriculture industry has taken commendable steps to align itself as a high profile economy in Kenya taking up the…

The agriculture industry has taken commendable steps to align itself as a high profile economy in Kenya taking up the adoption of AI. A large pool of the workforce in the sector has attributed major recent successes to the advent of the new interfaces. As said by Andrew Denu, the manager of sunculture, “the more data, the better the farms” Alluding to the introduction of IOT sensors to be able to give out forecasts that are accurate enough to let the farmers know when to plant, and what to plant to maximise the profits.
The technology is being utilised to monitor plant, soil and even weather conditions to outline and signify the most prominent times the produce will be ready or healthy, depending on the algorithm it has laid out already for the worker to follow.
Andrew went on to say that analytics are also provided, so as to ensure that particular algorithms that are created to understand the level of rain that is expected and to what degree the downpour will affect the the future of the crops. This goes out to show that the massive impact of AI and IOT is permeating into every aspect of the Kenyan economy allowing for an impactful digital footprint for the economy, and the country as a whole.