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  1. Very good appointment from us is wishing the best of success and very interactive approach in employment of AI especially in Agriculture, as per UN FAO Food Security Systems that support Small Scale Farmers SSFs operating in the grassroots village levels especially in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands ASALs.
    This is in view of combating Climate Change CC effects due to droughts floods and landslides with mitigation and adaptation measures through Agroecological techniques ie Organic Farming, Agroforestry and Permanent Agriculture (Permaculture) whose sustainability is possible due to Runoff Rain Water Harvesting Projects RWHP at the grassroots village levels especially in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands ASALs whose water harvested is used for both agricultural and domestic purposes.
    Finally we are Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum KESSFF a registered grassroots village based membership network of Small Scale Farmers SSFs operating in 75% of the Republic of Kenya and part of a similar larger regional network for East Central and South African Countries ESAFF.
    Born out of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development WSSD02 in Johannesburg South Africa, we bring together SSFs through empowering them with capacities to articulate issues affecting them namely domestic and global policies domestic and international market access and availability of SSFs friendly credit this is in our efforts to participate in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.
    In the past we have participated in African Growth and Opportunities Act AGOA World Trade Organisation WTO United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD Tokyo International Conference on African Development TICAD African Union AU DELIBERATIONS like AfCTA, ECOWAS, SADEC, EAC INTERATIION PROCESS and THE COMESA.
    Having been the Facilitator For East African Civil Society Mechanism CSM in UN FAO attending the UN Committee on Food Security CFS where we disseminate information on the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land Forests and Fisheries VGGT in context of National Food Security Systems NFSS and being in the UN Decade of Family Farming UNDFF which mostly affects women led by the Kenya Government Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Private Sector Organisations PSOs and Civil Society Organisation CSOs we have formed the Kenya National Committee of Family Farming UNDFF which mostly negatively affects women.
    However we are seeking partnerships with like minded organisations for their techno commercial inputs to support the upscaling of our projects for wide applications please send us the details of the information for such engagements

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