Moharram & Partners Launches Project To Modernize Personal Data Protection Legislation In MEA

In a journey to modernize regional legal system associated with data protection, Moharram &Partners (M&P), Public Affairs and Strategic Communications has recently announced the launch of a research project pioneering the classification of personal data protection legislation in the Middle East and Africa, with the ultimate goal of creating an enabling environment for digital investments and safeguarding the privacy of individuals, given the rapid growth in technology and internet use which is prone to data infiltration.
The classification developed by a specialized team of regional experts, provides a comprehensible guide and assessment of legal systems applied in the Middle East and Africa which encourages the government to adopt improved standards for the protection of user data ultimately ensuring the citizen’s data protection. This classification will be designed in accordance with a set of reliable and internationally recognized standards that comply and align with the global frameworks and standards related to personal data protection.
Moustafa Moharram, CEO of M&P, emphasized the project’s significance saying “This project is an important step towards modernizing regional legal systems related to data protection and creating an enabling investment environment to attract digital investments. It also aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and trust in the processing of personal data, thus helping to achieve sustainable economic and social development in the region.”
He further highlighted the consequences of lagging behind stating that the delay in updating and establishing legal system associated with data protections by some countries of the region, not only deprives them of digital investments and their access to the applications of fourth industrial revolution technology but also affects their ranking in the international indicators.
On the other hand, Dr. Mohammed Hegazy, Digital Legislation Expert and Senior Advisor to the project, extended his gratitude to the contributions of international and regional bodies participating in the project. He calls upon all stakeholders in the region to join forces and share their experiences to improve personal data protection, enhance public confidence in the use of technology and the internet, and preserve users’ privacy. He added that the research project comprises a research team of renowned Arab and African experts that are specialized in the field of digital legislation and that the project completes their role in supporting the formulation of digital legislation in various Arab and African countries.
Hegazy added that the project is not only classifying the legislative and regulatory frameworks and enforcement mechanism but also aims to build and implement capacity-building programs for workers in data protection agencies in the region and raise awareness of the importance and challenges faced by institutions in protecting personal data thus contributing to improving data protection in the region.