LSE presents Authentication Platform with FIDO U2FToken
Leading Security Experts (LSE) is launching a new version of its Multifactor Authentication concept, LinOTP. A wide range of innovative…

Leading Security Experts (LSE) is launching a new version of its Multifactor Authentication concept, LinOTP. A wide range of innovative features ensure considerable improvement in user-friendly handling, security, flexibility and cost efficiency.
Full support for U2Fprotocol facilitates authentication for multiple systems with just one token, independent of manufacturer. Innovations of the OATH-certified version LinOTP 2.8 include features such as FIDO U2F support, registration of FIDO U2F, preparing email and SMS tokens in a self-service portal, temporary email and SMS tokens, multiple challenge response tokens per user with identical token PINs and optimized troubleshooting.
“With LinOTP 2.8 we are offering companies, which want to provide their staff with secure logins via multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA), a technically sophisticated, manufacturer-independent and extremely adaptive solution“, explains Sven Walther, Managing Director and CTO of LSE GmbH.
With full support of the U2F protocol of the FIDO Alliance, various logins can be executed securely using one and the same token. This means it is possible to use the user-friendly U2F tokens of various manufacturers as a second factor for authentication. As a result, new scenarios in the field of “Bring Your Own Token” will in future become reality. The open standard FIDO U2F is especially interesting for large companies on account of its transparency and independence. LSE is a member of the FIDO Alliance.