Israeli-Palestinian agreement to allow additional frequencies to be shared with Israeli operators
The Israeli-Palestinian Agreement to facilitate cellular phone operations is a major landmark in improving relations between the parties and will…

The Israeli-Palestinian Agreement to facilitate cellular phone operations is a major landmark in improving relations between the parties and will no doubt lead to the establishment of a modern and reliable telecommunication network for the Palestinian people,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “The spirit of cooperation and compromise demonstrated by those involved in reaching this agreement is highly appreciated by ITU. We commend their efforts in achieving this significant outcome. This signature will certainly facilitate the work of the World Radiocommunication Conference, currently in session in Geneva, to enhance global communications.”
“ITU will continue to develop telecommunications networks and cellular services in Palestine and elsewhere in the region,” said François Rancy, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.
Palestinian operators will be able to construct broadband cellular networks completely independent and separate from Israeli networks. Moreover, the operations of the Palestinian and Israeli broadband cellular networks will be regulated respectively by the Palestinian and Israeli authorities.
Following the Israeli-Palestinian agreement, the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15), currently in session in Geneva from 2 to 27 November, welcomed the bilateral Israeli-Palestinian agreement on the assignment of frequencies in the 2100 MHz band for Palestinian cellular operators signed yesterday, 19 November.
Furthermore, WRC-15 adopted a revised version of Resolution 12 of the Conference on Assistance and Support to Palestine, which resolves to continue assistance to Palestine in order to enable Palestine to obtain and manage the required spectrum in order to operate telecommunications networks and wireless services. The Resolution calls for ITU to take additional measures for enhancing and developing wireless telecommunication infrastructures as well as new technologies and services and to provide specialized assistance and support, particularly in the field of spectrum management and frequency assignment.
“I give my assurance that ITU will continue to work with the Palestinian and Israeli authorities to ensure better communications for ordinary citizens,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao.