Google pens sponsorship for upcoming Cloud and Security Summit 2020
Google has weighed in as a sponsor for the approaching Cloud and Security Summit.The summit will bring together the top…

Google has weighed in as a sponsor for the approaching Cloud and Security Summit.The summit will bring together the top tier technology professionals to converse on the new business opportunities and models opened by the collaboration of cloud and security.
CIO East Africa hosts the forum themed: Safe and Secure online services. The summit will unfold on the 19th and 20th at the Serena Hotel, starting 8am.
The event, has time and time again established itself as one of the most influential gathering of CIO’s and senior IT and business executives. Allowing for the forging of new partnerships, networking and inspiration drawn from the East African IT and technology landscape. Especially regarding the advent of Cloud and how it can prosper even further, at an East African level, with the infusion of security.
With regards to the fact that Google are on a well established task to open up new opportunities and disrupt old thought processes, they came aboard the sponsorship bandwagon knowing that their insights and determination would avail solutions and thought provoking queries that would amount to protection, availability and seamless implementation of cloud and security in a constantly changing technology landscape.
Google, apart from unique architecture and design, are at the forefront of creating forward minded systems and products, that are able to incorporate the advantages of cloud, but also with a reasonable level of security. In this day and age, for new technologies to prosper, a dabble of security must be included.