Google Kenya Understands Impact Tech Has On Marketing

Technology has transformed marketing by making campaigns more personalized and immersive for people and creating ecosystems that are more integrated and targeted for marketers. And it’s not just the interface between brands and people that have been transformed. New technology in marketing has permeated the infrastructure and systems on which companies are built, delivering value to procurement and adding to the bottom line.
MarTech, describes a range of software and tools that assist in achieving marketing goals or objectives. When a marketing team utilizes a grouping of marketing technologies, this is known as their marketing technology stack. MarTech has become a staple in digital marketing campaigns, but can also be used to optimize marketing efforts across any marketing channel.
There’s a big reason creatives embrace data, and marketing to go with it. It is the bread and butter of any visual marketing campaign. As we all know, Google are the kings of this. To the point where, when we want to know information about anything at all, literally anything, we say “Just Google it.”
Google have taken another step forward in crucial ecosystem of Martech by sponsoring CIO East Africa’s first ever Martech summit. The summit will happen on 30th June and will be a virtual. The distinction between marketing and technology has been erased. Marketing has become a digital profession that is indistinguishably intertwined with and supported by marketing technology. In short: Martech is marketing.
This intersection between technology and marketing will be the focus of the first Africa Martech Summit organised by CIO East Africa, reknown for quality event execution and content.
Register for the event here.