Is There Openness In Data Protection?
CIO East Africa shall on Thursday, 14th May 2020, host a webinar to unravel the openness in data privacy and…

CIO East Africa shall on Thursday, 14th May 2020, host a webinar to unravel the openness in data privacy and protection in Kenya.
The timely session themed: Data Privacy: Governance of the Hidden Dimension denotes that as organizations continue to innovate leveraging on world-class digital capabilities, data has become the undisputed king and key to fueling the digital economy.
While preparing for the session as the keynote speakers, Dr Fernando Wangila, CIO, National Transport & Safety Authority flanked by Anthony Muiyuro, Senior Manager, Cyber Security & Resilience, EY asserted that privacy professionals, regulators, and organizations must have an obligation to work together to innovate new approaches that entrench privacy as a standard rather than an anomaly.
“Underpinned by key principles, data privacy has become the disruptive tool that will enable trust and ensure that both private and public organizations know how to use and handle personal data in order to become digital champions, whilst maintaining a relationship of trust with their employees and customers. Understanding these key privacy strategies and design imperatives is key to getting data privacy right for organizations,” said Muiyuro.
As the consumer data continues to prove a gold mine, the need to protect it grows like that for its consumption.
At the webinar, proficient C-level personnel will grace the session to unravel how data protection is an essential element of data privacy, especially where citizens are still compelled to leave a trail of critical data, both offline and online, to access some services.

Dr Wangila, the author of the International Journal of Innovative Science, Research and Technology (IJISRT), said; “One cannot guarantee the privacy of particular data when the same data is unprotected by efficient technology.”
Against this background, he observed that data protection laws and regulations are very critical in guiding and upholding the best practices when it comes to individuals, organizations, and the government on how to consume personal data of citizens, thus regulating how personal data is processed.
But are there any hidden dimensions in data? According to Dr Wangila, who is a self-directed and driven technology executive with comprehensive accomplishments, governance of such data suffers from many uncertainties, emanating from factors such as technological advancements, inefficiencies in Trans-National Data Protection Laws, privacy not being an absolute right, compliance challenges such as lack of ethics, technological convergence, and globalization.
Dr Wangila who has demonstrated success in developing and seamlessly executing plans in highly regulated organizational structures is recognized for implementing appropriate project management through analysis is equally celebrated for ensuring optimal service delivery.
Muiyuro, who besides being passionate about matters cybersecurity and data is also the Vice President for ISACA Kenya Chapter and is a seasoned celebrated cybersecurity solutions expert.
The free webinar comes when there is so much demand for data, need to effectively protect data, serve, and help governments, as well as organizations, make critical decisions with data.

Register here to join this high-level conversation, about consumer data privacy, purposed to raise organizational awareness about the data protection law.