Starting your AI and IOT journey
Through the development of technological interfaces, AI and IOT are recurring themes that, once deployed, will bring a positive change…

Through the development of technological interfaces, AI and IOT are recurring themes that, once deployed, will bring a positive change in the productivity, reliability and even overall happiness of an organization. An important factor in this context is, that AI and IOT is not a one step, one day thing. As the business benefits of IOT are unmistakable, lack of a serious plan to meet a specific goal, the complexity and costs can get out of hand.
According to Mr Nyimbi, the CEO of Nyimbi, was at hand to say “It is not difficult, it is not hard. It is the same as managing a lift, or a conveyor belt” Alluding to the notion that AI and IOT are not as complicated as they seem. Furthermore, Mr Nyimbi went on to say it is “Ridiculously cheap” and that technology practitioners should not feel intimidated because they would be missing out on vital information.
As Kenya, and East Africa as a whole attempt to play a part in the digital revolution, the advent of AI and IOT are part and personal of the way in which Kenya aims to assert her dominance in the African economy, whilst the economies within the country try and gain momentum through the utilization of interfaces that have not only redefined work places, but re-imagined the way in which we do business.