Start Up Digitising Police Operations Cutting Down On Time Loss
Recent times have completely revamped the landscape for ICT. Policymakers and innovators today face an environment transformed by information and…

Recent times have completely revamped the landscape for ICT. Policymakers and innovators today face an environment transformed by information and communications technology (ICT). More people today have access to a mobile phone than to electricity; the amount of data generated globally is expanding exponentially. But what to do with all this data? Harness it for creating a gigantic technological disruptive force that has the power to recreate an entire sector.
In Kenya, leaders of businesses are deciding — through their policies and strategies for ICT, Internet access, communications media, and digital applications — how to promote and structure the digitisation of their economies.
The Kenyan administration and police system is one regime that has not been spared the digital bug. In this case, the digital bug is a good sort of infection to catch, an infection that steadies an entire economies growth, and hastens it for newer heights.
Early Bird Ventures has taken the idea of digitisation to a whole new level. They are well on their way to challenging the status quo of the entrenched beliefs that stop digital transformation, and pulling them out one by one, starting at the Kenya police.
The team at Early Bird Ventures developed an app called Trafficop. It uses a traffic management system that incorporates accountability, efficiency and reliability of provision of traffic data, statistics and related information. The system allows for the sharing of violations and accident information between the traffic police section, NTSA, traffic courts and insurance agencies as well as other government agencies and interested parties.
This enables traffic police officers and prosecution personnel to get information on the previous violation records of an individual as well as identification and apprehension of traffic violators who have arrest warrants in force. The system is also automated to handle instant fines for minor traffic offenses – minimise cash losses.
“The inspiration behind the app was to digitise police operations, so that we can save time” averred Mr. Maingi Muteti, who was involved in the development and execution of the app.
To date, the app is available on the Google play store and is making remarkable strides in easing of processes.Transformative technologies such as these are entering the sectors at exponential speed, bringing the change businesses need to not only survive but thrive.
Get in touch with the makers of Trafficop