MSE policy review urges for uptake of technology
A consultative forum for the medium and small enterprises (MSE’s) was held today at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi. The event…

A consultative forum for the medium and small enterprises (MSE’s) was held today at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi. The event was earmarked as a milestone to paving a way for MSE policy’s that could lead to greater impacts for the Kenyan business and entrepreneurial landscape. Development partners, parastatals, private sector players and government officials gave their views on proposed changes that should be involved in the MSE policy review.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Francis Owino, the principal secretary, state department for industrialization spoke about how the direction of the industry can be led onto a forward axis through a multiplier effect due to the uptake of technology. Further expanding his point by noting; “The enhancement of ICT and technology infrastructure is critical to the sector, not only for its success, but its stability and will to thrive”
Institutional actors who have been tipped to play roles in the sector was the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth affairs. Where implementation of a digital economy blueprint with a focus on MSE’s will help guide and foster the cohesion of technology in the sector. Additionally, the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute has been given the go ahead to undertake multidisciplinary research and work on the transfer of technologies to MSME’s while providing incubation support.
Mr. Moses Njenga, head of the private sector development at Kippra, outlined that access to skills and technology for MSE’s has proven to be an inundated task. With deliberations that unfolded on how to increase the access to technology, the sector is banking on the hope that the uptake of technology will lead to a better functioning business landscape