Microsoft Announces International DigiGirlz Camp for Females in Science

Microsoft will organize a three-day worldwide digital camp for girls in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics as part of the festivities scheduled for this year’s International Women’s Day.
The project, which is totally virtual, will allow participants to meet with girls from Africa and North America for two-hour seminars between March 7th and 10th.
The Microsoft International DigiGirlz Camp is a collaboration between Microsoft and Fair Chance Learning that aims to provide middle and high school girls with hands-on technology experience, workshops to help them bring their ideas to life, and opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration and networking. The program is aimed at females aged 11 to 17.
Young women may learn about the different options available in the high-tech business, acquire hands-on experience, and learn from peers and other women already working in the area. This year’s camp theme is “lifelong learning”.
Registrations for students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Because event content and curriculum may be tailored to specific age groups, applicants should double-check before enrolling a student in a DigiGirlz program. An adult aged 18 or older must complete the DigiGirlz registration form. A parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 18 may register the student for a DigiGirlz program by filling out the registration form.
“The youth who grasp today’s tech will change tomorrow’s world. Right now, women lack a clear pathway to technological experience and resources. At Microsoft DigiGirlz, we’re helping girls across the globe – and especially those in under-represented communities – learn the skills they need to realize their passions in a tech-filled future.” Wanjira Kamwere, Microsoft Africa Technology Office’s Business Development Manager, said announcing the program.
“The camp is open to girls of all skill levels. It provides hands-on workshops that are led by supportive instructors who can help you increase your abilities. For girls who may have already taken technology classes in school, the camp workshops will provide you with quick exposure to new technologies to help enhance your knowledge,” she added.
Wanjira Kamwere further noted that DigiGirlz events are intended to give a gender-specific strategy to introducing girls to job options in technology in a safe environment that is sensitive to prejudices and barriers that may affect their experience. However, everyone who is aligned with our aim to establish an atmosphere that fosters girls’ engagement in technology, regardless of gender identity, is welcome to attend the event.
According to research, women who study STEM courses at first experience a significant drop-off. During their education, transition to the workplace, and even during their careers, women quit STEM subjects in unequal percentages. Women can be encouraged to pursue these jobs by mentoring organizations like the DigiGirlz.
After the three-day digital camp for girls talented in tech, Microsoft will extend a hand to help in growth of cloud and security as well. The company is part of the Cloud and Security Summit which will be held in Kenya on the 17th and 18th March 2021. To be part of the event, register here.