HerNovation: Taking Charge of Your Future.

We are all familiar with the phrase ‘The Future is Female’. It is mostly used by championers of gender equality to show how the scene will change for women in the future. There will be more opportunities for the female gender in the future than there was in the past.
Huawei Director, Maureen Mwaniki talked of how a woman’s life might limit her to prepare well for her future. She might have a lot of roles in the African set up that can seldom find time to chase her dreams.
A woman does a lot at a young age, as a mother, a wife etc. These roles might overwhelm her so much that she can even lack a dream or the time to work on her dream. If only she can get a little break from the societal demands, then she can have a chance at achieving her dream.
“I advise women who want achieve greater things in tech to always expose themselves to greater things. To always look at the bigger picture in everything. Great opportunities will come your way and you have to be ready to grab them,” Maureen noted in her presentation at HerNovation.
“Things have changed from when I was trying to rise up the ranks. Girls today have more opportunities so they have to get themselves out of the comfort zone. They just have to build their confidence and know that it is okay to blunder and ask questions once in a while,” she noted.
In the past, African women have had to endure a lot just to explore their dreams and get a shot at achieving them. The scene has, however, been changing over the years with more women getting into the corporate leadership sector.
Although in tech, this gap is yet to be filled fully. Women have gotten into tech alright but there is room for improvement in the representation of the gender in tech leadership.
Giving them a break from African societal roles will go a long way in seeing more women getting into tech leadership in future. The future is female, and the time to prepare for the future is now. It is important that we get this conversation started so that we can have more women in tech leadership in the future.