CEOs Named For Three Orange Subsidiaries In Africa

In agreement with its local partners and during the Board of directors meetings of its subsidiaries, Orange has appointed the following CEOs for three of its subsidiaries in Africa and the Middle East:
1.Patrick Benon (currently CEO of Orange Botswana) has been appointed CEO of Orange Cameroon, replacing Frédéric Debord – Board of directors meeting on July 13th 2021.
2. Frédéric Debord (currently CEO of Orange Cameroun) has been appointed CEO of Orange Madagascar, replacing Michel Degland – Board of directors meeting on July 2nd 2021.
3. Michel Degland (currently CEO of Orange Madagascar) has been appointed Deputy CEO of Mauritius Telecom – Board of directors meeting on June 24th 2021.
All of these appointments are part of the Group’s international mobility policy, and have taken place at the end of the previous CEO’s term.
The appointments are effective from September 2021.
Orange is present in 18 countries in Africa and the Middle East and has more than 130 million customers at of 31 March 2020. With 5.8 billion euros of revenues in 2020, Orange MEA is the first growth area in the Orange group. Orange Money, its flagship mobile-based money transfer and financial services offer is available in 17 countries and has more than 50 million customers. Orange, multi-services operator, key partner of the digital transformation provides its expertise to support the development of new digital services in Africa and the Middle East.