CEO Tellagraff LLC, Mark Graff joins Digital Authentication Technologies board
Mark G. Graff, Founder/CEO of Tellagraff LLC, an information-security consulting firm that helps businesses protect online assets and operations from…

Mark G. Graff, Founder/CEO of Tellagraff LLC, an information-security consulting firm that helps businesses protect online assets and operations from cyber-attacks, announces his election to the Board of Directors of Digital Authentication Technologies, Inc. (DAT), a cybersecurity company.
DAT specializes in location-based authentication. Its patented Contextual Location Fingerprint (CLF) technology enables a company to make access decisions based on the verified physical location of a computer.
“This decade has seen explosive innovation in security, as American industry and the country as a whole have become aware of our deep vulnerability to cyber-attack,” said Graff. “Of all the hundreds of security technologies I have seen, none surpasses CLF in its potential to shift the balance of power into the hands of the good guys. I look forward to assisting, as a member of DAT’s Board of Directors, in the refinement and promotion of this revolutionary capability.”
As a Director, Graff will help guide the evolution of the technology. He will also argue for its adoption as an essential element of cyber defense postures worldwide. Improved protection of critical infrastructure will be a priority.
“We are thrilled to be able to draw upon Mark Graff’s expertise as an internationally recognized thought leader and practitioner in cybersecurity as we approach the release our first integration-ready product,” said Rick Morgenstern, President and CEO of Digital Authentication Technologies, Inc. “Mark’s passion to change the current cyber-attack dynamic is completely aligned with DAT’s in providing strong authentication of location as a complement to identity-based protection against the most determined attacks.”