.africa flag flies proud atop Kilimanjaro
.africa recently unfurled the flag which represents their geographic Top Level Domain (gTLD) on the Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is…

.africa recently unfurled the flag which represents their geographic Top Level Domain (gTLD) on the Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is according to news received on Monday, 22 January from .africa expedition team leader, and famed mountaineer, Deshun Deysel.
Ms Deysel led the .africa team’s arduous trek to the Summit; the trek started at Umbwe Gate at the Kilimanjaro National Park on 16 January.
Accompanying Ms Deysel was a 15-person team including; Registry Africa CEO, Lucky Masilela, and .africa Brand Ambassador Unathi. ZACR NPC, the parent company to Registry Africa, is the administrator of Africa’s new home on the worldwide web.
.africa team’s successful summiting was the highlight of a continental roadshow to launch their gTLD to Africa.
.africa flag’s journey
The flag’s journey began when it was officially handed over to the .africa Team in the Nelson Mandela Plenary Hall at the African Union (AU) Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 03 July 2017.
From this venerable venue, the flag began making its way across the continent.
With the .africa flag firmly in hand, the team reached base camp; having achieved a milestone of which the whole continent of Africa can be justly proud. flag journey will end at the 30th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union at the AU Headquarters in Ethiopia on 28 and 29 January 2018.
To follow and virtually participate in the dotAfrica continental roadshow click here and use the hashtag #followtheflagafrica across all social media platforms.